It’s a sex and violence thematic double feature. Here are five NSFW short stories I recommend reading which are delightfully gross in vastly different ways. All are free to read online.

BIBI Animal Farm
Unrelated screenshot from BIBI's Animal Farm M/V. It is visually hot and bloody.


Hilarious sex stories written by June Martin. She has other stories on her substack, as well as an ongoing serialized novel called Faster On My Own. Her other stories have nothing to do with sex, but I read these a year ago and they still crack me up.

The Procreation Myth

In the Shape of the Emperor


Body horror and violence written by Morgan (S.T.). I first read MEAT_SPACE on the VERY ONLINE zine and tracked down her other work through the magic of the internet. I’m a sucker for visceral, gory shit so I’m pleased with what I’ve read.